Controlling Your Forex Investment

By Bob Sparrow

Even though investing can be fun and exhilarating the young investor must understand that there are some very basic rules that need to be followed. Making money can be extremely fun, but loosing money can sometimes set you back in life several years, not allowing you to be able to invest any more. Let's take a look at one simple aspect that many people forget while investing; Control

This is something that I learned later on in my investing career. When I first started I didn't care who was in control I just wanted my money out there in an investment earning more interest then the bank was paying. I thought that the returns would stay high as the previous years, and that the moment things changed my broker would call me and suggest changing markets. I was nave to think that other people would care for my money the same way that I would. This was a painful lesson.

I can still hear my father saying, "Bob, no one will care for your money like you will". At first I was a little bit confused. I thought surely my broker and banker wanted me to make money, and they do. Just remember that they want, and need to make money as well. This is their first priority and there is nothing wrong with that. You just need to keep control and determine your own destiny.

Remember there is only one person that is ultimately responsible for your money and that is you! Brokers are there to guide us and give us tips, but we have to take in that information and then make an educated decision concerning our investing. My first investments were way out of control. If someone were to ask me why I invested in that trade I had no answer! "Because it looked good" I would say! I was on a path to disaster!

When we work side by side with our brokers we will make a lot of money. When we educate ourselves and ask educated questions to our brokers. When we can sit down at night and say, "I invested in that trade because I think it will make money because.", and then list several reasons! This is having control, and this will ensure a very rich future and a life worth dreaming about.

Let's think about control over money like this. Have you ever loaned your car to someone? Did they take care of it like you would have liked them to? Probably not! You tell them to put a certain kind of gas in it and they forget before they get around the corner. You almost cringe as you know that your car is not in good hands. Well, it can be the same way with money! Except that money when it is damaged or lost can hurt a whole lot more!

I believe that if you take the time to educate yourself in the area that you are investing in then you can be successful. There are many people that are investing successfully in many different types of investments. But these are normally the ones that take care of their money well.

When trading in the Forex market you can keep 100% control of your money. Even when trading online through a trading platform you make all of the decisions. You set your own stop losses and can determine how much you are willing to loose. Most trading platforms have a live person to help walk you through your trades if you need them. This is most definitely in favor to you making more money. When you can combine their help with your decision making you can be very profitable.

If you have ever considered learning more about investing in the Forex market and would like to learn more, check out the links in the bio box below. There you will find many article's to help educate you to be a successful investor. There is even a free e book to download about Forex Trading!

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